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Affiliations management is part of Qrowdify from which you can verify your existing affiliations. You can add institutes, companies or college you are affiliated with if they don't exist in the system.


URl :

Affilation Management Endpoint


Qrowdify allows member to verify their affiliation and create new affiliations if they don't exist in the system. Affiliation can be used to share experiences internally within your company/team/institute/university or department. In the affiliation management endpoint you can :

  • search insititues
  • select your affiliation
  • add your verified email
  • check the status of your existing affiliations
  • create/add new affiliation institutes

List/Search/Check/Create verifications

List affiliations

In the endpoint mentioned above you can see list of existing affiliations in Qrowdify. List Affilation

search existing affiliations

With the help of the search and selecting type of affiliation, you can easily search your desired affiliation. Search Affilation

check your pending/verified affiliations

If you have already verified or sent an affiliation for verification, you can check it in the "verify yours" section of the page once you select your affiliation institute Check Affilation

create new affiliation ( that doesn't exist in Qrowdify)

If your affiliation doesn't exist (😞) don't worry, you can easily add them by filling the form under "new" section of the page. ✨ create Affilation

How To verify/add/create affiliations

You can verify your affiliation by selecting your institute and provide the proof type required for that institue ( email , personal web page , etc. ) and check your verification status.

Verify Affiliation

If your insititue doesn't exist in the list you can add it easily by submitting the form and then you can return to previous step and verify your affilation then.

Create Affiliation