Advanced video transcription
Using this widget you would be able to break down a video into equal smaller parts and assign them to contributors. You have extra config variable for dividing each chunk into shots!
Use cases
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Advanced video transcription
Using this widget you would be able to break down a video into equal smaller parts and assign them to contributors. You have extra config variable for dividing each chunk into shots!
Youtube video transcription
You can provide url or youtube links. We break it down into chunks. Then each chunks is some Shots. You are able to ask Qontributors to do some tasks about each shots. This widget has used the module wrote by Matthew Brandly under the Copyright (C) 2014 Matthew Brandly.
Video Container from (Batch)
If you have a video from youtube or vimeo on your RES_1 and you want to embed it in your task, you may use this element.
Subtitle and video (batch from RES)
There is to RES variable here one is the video Url and second would be name of corresponding subtitle in CSV file. Please Note that you need to upload and bind all of subtitle files here.
Video transcription
Using this widget you would be able to break down a video into equal smaller parts and assign them to contributors.
Dynamic Header
Dynamic header are the elements you can use if you want to add one of your RES variables which is different in each atomic