Weekly food schedule for fan
Using this service object you are able to order a food from a weekly food schedule of a person. People like Moms can make some extra food to offer other in exchange for rewards, money or other type of services. The package owner might offer food delivery also for extra money.
Use cases
Enabling fans to order from foods of somebody's weekly food schedule so that they can order for themselves in advance. This object can be used to serve friends, family or fans in the beginning. However it can grow slowly to friends of friends and so on.
Development Systems
Related Components
Weekly food schedule for fan
Using this service object you are able to order a food from a weekly food schedule of a person. People like Moms can make some extra food to offer other in exchange for rewards, money or other type of services. The package owner might offer food delivery also for extra money.
Basic delivery order request
Using this service object you are able to order a ride from a trusted driver to deliver your orders from a menu. Businesses and people who know places for offering delivery can add this to their package and enable their fans to quest a delivery from their website or their Qrowdify's profile. Riders can order the delivery in exchange for Qoints or other rewards or for free.
Basic fan ride request
Using this service object you are able to order a ride from a trusted driver. Drivers can add this to their package and enable their fans to order a ride from their website or their Qrowdify's profile. Riders can order the ride in exchange for Qoints or other rewards or for free.